カテゴリー: 天文学


(The biggest rocket ever build took to the sky again. This time , it came back. The mission aimed to open new road for Starship, and for space flight. SpaceX planned to return huge first stage booster, Super Heavy, to its launch mount, catching it with “chopstick” arms of the launch tower in an unprecedented maneuver.)


巨大な星でも遠方にあるので肉眼では“点”にしか見えない。しかし望遠鏡を使えば別の姿を見せてくれる。南米チリにあるALMA望遠鏡を使って「かじき座」の星[R-ドラド(R-Doradus)]を観測した天文学者は、星の表面が巨大な高温の泡で覆われ、その泡が30日間隔で浮き沈みしている事を発見した。個々の泡は我々太陽の75倍もあり、恒星[ R-ドラド]の大きさは太陽の350倍で、地球の太陽周回軌道よりも大きい。約180光年の距離にある。
(Although stars are enormous, they are extremely far away, and appears as point sources in telescopes. Now astronomers have used Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to fined detail on the star R-Doradus and track its for 30 days. The images revealed giant, hot gas bubbles 75 times larger than the Sun. R-Doradus is 350 times larger than the Sun, and180 light-years away.)