1. 北朝鮮のミサイル発射、今年1~12月の発射は合計約70発、37回
2. 中国軍、台湾に対する軍事圧力を増大
3. 中国海軍空母艦隊、大東島・沖ノ鳥島付近海域で大規模演習
4. 中国海警局艦艇、今年1~12月の間、尖閣諸島周辺海域に336日間航行
5. 陸自、九州で大規模実働対抗演習を実施予定
6. 海自、12月2〜9日および同19日、西太平洋海域で米空母艦隊と共同訓練を実施
7. 海自、「もがみ」型3番艦「のしろ」の引渡式 (9日)および、同6番艦「あがの」の進水式が挙行 (21日)
8. 空自、11月29日、沖縄周辺で米空軍F-22と戦術訓練を実施
9. 空自、12月14日、沖縄周辺で米空軍・米空母航空団・米海兵航空団と戦術訓練を実施
10. 空自、12月20日、日本海で米空軍B-52爆撃機と編隊航法訓練を実施
(Military threats from Russia, China and North Korean Forces to Japan and Taiwan, are increases ever. Countermeasures to these threats are proceeded by Japan and Allies. Following 11 were major issues in December.
1. North Korea launches three ballistic missiles on final day of the year, all together nearly 70 missiles in 2022..
2. Chinese increased militant pressure to Taiwan, including 18 bombers flew into Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone, a warship sailed near Eastern coast of Taiwan, and 71 warplanes flew across the midline of Taiwan straits.
3. Chinese fighter came within six meters of U.S. spy plane
4. Chinese aircraft carrier strike group conducted military drill in western Pacific close to U.S. bases Guam.
5. Chinese Coast Guard vessels enters Japanese waters near Senkakus for 334 days in 2022.
6. Japanese Army plan a month long large scale war game in January at Southern Japan.
7. Japanese Navy together with U.S. Carrier strike group conducted military drill several times in western Pacific.
8. Latest model Frigate-FFM “Noshiro” enter into service, and a same class “Agano” conducted launching ceremony.
9. Japanese Air Force fighter planes conducted air drill with USAF F-22 fighters around Okinawa air space.
10. Japanese Air Force fighter conducted war drill with USAF, Carrier Air Wing and Marine Air Wing planes nearby Okinawan air space.
11. Japanese Air Force fighter escort USAF B-52 flew into Japan Sea.)
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