1. 8月28日~9月3日の間、陸自・米陸軍は九州各地、奄美大島で共同演習「オリエント・シールド22」を実施、
2. 9月3日からほぼ1ヶ月間、中露海軍が日本周辺の海上で合同演習を実施
3. 9月9日、空自、米空軍、米海兵隊は日本海上空で共同訓練を実施
4. 9月13~15日、空自、米空軍は那覇南方の太平洋上空で大規模演習を実施
5. 9月25日および29日、北朝鮮は弾道ミサイル計3発を日本海に向け発射、我が国EEZ外に着弾
6. 9月28日、空自は来訪したドイツ空軍と共同訓練を実施
7. 10月2~14日の間、陸自・米海兵隊は北海道で実動訓練「レゾリュート・ドラゴン22」を実地する予定
(The military threats around Japan by Russo-Chinese Forces and North Korea are active as usual. Following seven were main issues in September.
1. The Japan and US Army bilateral training exercise, Orient Shield 22, placed Kyuushu and Amami, in August 28 thru September 3.
2. Russo-Chinese Naval fleet kick off large-scaled war game in Western Pacific placed Sept.3rd to the end of the Month.
3. Japan, USAF & Marine Air Forces together with number of aircraft played military drill over East China Sea on September 9.
4. Japan and US Air Forces together with large number of aircraft conducted war game over Philippine Sea in Sept. 13 thru 15.
5. North Korea launched total of three ballistic missiles to Japan Sea, outside Japan’s EEZ at Sept 25 and 29.
6. German Air Force Fighter Sq. arrived Japan first time and placed military drill together with Japan’s counterpart on Sept 28.
7. Japan’s Army and US Marine bilateral training exercise, Resolute Dragon 22, will kick off Hokkaido in October 2 thru 14.)
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