① 5月11日〜17日、日米豪仏4カ国軍による陸・海・空合同演習 ② 5月19日米空母「ロナルド・レーガン」空母打撃群は横須賀を出港、アラビア海方面へ ③ 5月3日、中国新空母「山東」が南シナ海で演習(The military threats from Russo-Chines Forces around Japanese Island and Taiwan were reported active. Following three were noteworthy ;- 1.Japan, U.S., Australia and French military conduct joint exercise at Kyushu island and East China Sea on mid. May. 2.USS Ronald Reagan and her Carrier Strike Group departed Yokosuka head for Arabian Sea. 3.China’s 2nd aircraft carrier group lead by Shandong hold first combat exercise in South China Sea.)