ボーイングCEOデイビッド・カルホーン(David Calhoun)氏はワシントン州シアトルで、エアバスCEOギョーム・フオーリイ(Guillaume Faury)氏はパリで、それぞれエビエーション・ウイーク誌の記者と会見、当面の課題および将来の見通しについて語った。以下はその要旨と解説。
(Boeing CEO David Calhoun sat down with Aviation Week editors Joe Anselmo, Guy Norris and Sean Broderick at Commercial Airplane Delivery Center in Seattle, discussing wide range of current and future subjects the company is being met. Airbus CEO Guillaume Faury spoke current challenges and the road ahead with Aviation Week Senior European Defense Editor Tony Osborne and Executive Editor for Commercial Aviation Jens Flottau in Paris. Following describes brief talks. )