沖縄に駐留する米第3海兵遠征軍(III Marine Expeditionary Force)は新型の水陸両用戦闘車(ACV=Amphibious Combat Vehicles) を那覇軍港で受領した(6月29日)。この戦闘車(ACV)は8輪式装甲車で、1972年から使用してきた侵攻用水陸両用車「AAV」(Assault Amphibious Vehicle)の更新となる。
(The US Marine Corps’ III Marine Expeditionary Force received a shipment of Amphibious Combat Vehicles(ACVs) at Naha Military port on June 29, 2024. The ACV is an 8-wheeled armored personnel carrier newly designed to replace existing Marine Corps’ fleet of Assault Amphibious Vehicles(AAV), which has been in service since 1972.)