1. 海自・米海軍、哨戒機による対水上戦、対潜水戦訓練を実施(1月30、31日)
2. 2023年1月の緊急発進47回、うち対中国機が44回
3. 中国海軍艦艇、2隻が宮古海峡を通過、太平洋へ進出(2月2日)
4. 北朝鮮、「火星15」ICBMを発射、日本EEZ内に落下(2月18日)。空自、米空軍B-1爆撃機と日本海で共同演習を実施(2月19日)
5. 中国海軍艦艇2隻、宮古海峡を通過太平洋に進出(2月18日)
6. 北朝鮮、短距離弾道ミサイル2発を日本海に向け発射(2月20日)。日米韓海軍艦艇、北朝鮮に対抗、日本海で共同訓練を実施(2月22日)。米第7艦隊、海自・韓国海軍首脳と協力会議を開催(2月22日)
7. 日米海軍艦艇、南シナ海、アラビア海バーレン、沖縄周辺、日本海、グアム島周辺等で共同訓練実施(2月5~22日)
8. 令和4年度日米共同統合防空・ミサイル防衛訓練(Resilient Shield 2023)を実施(2月17~22日)
9. 自衛隊、多国籍共同訓練コブラゴールド23に参加(2月9日~3月10日)
10. 米第7艦隊P-8A哨戒機、台湾海峡を通過(2月27日)
(Military threats by China and North Korea are tensed up in February. Japan and Allies conducted multiple large scaled military drill for retaliation. Following ten were major issues in this month.
1. Japan and U.S. Naval patrol planes conducted anti-ship and anti-submarine war-games.
2. Scramble flight in this January were 47 times, including 44 flights against Chinese.
3. Two Chinese Naval vessels sailed through Miyko-strait to Pacific.
4. North Korea launched new solid-fueled ICBM Hwasong-15, into water inside Japan’s EEZ. Japan and U.S. Forces held joint air exercise involving strategic bombers in Japan Sea.
5. Two Chinese naval vessels sail through Miyako-strait again headed for Pacific.
6. North Korea fired two short-range ballistic missiles into Japan Sea. Allied Navy held joint war drill in Japan Sea as retaliation, and the three nations naval commanders joint to play tabletop military drill.
7. U.S. and Japanese Navy held joint multi-drill in Bahrain, South China Sea, surrounding Okinawan islands, Japan Sea, and Guam.
8. Anti-Air and Missile-defense exercise Resilient Shield 2023 held by U.S. and Japan Forces for a week-long.
9. Japan’s military forces join Multi-National Military Exercise Cobra-Gold 2023, together with U.S. Forces and others.
10. U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon transited Taiwan Strait in international airspace.)
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