投稿者: 松尾 芳郎


(Chinese and Russian’s military maneuvers around Japanese territorial air and sea spaces got back to the state of last December. Japan and allies are putting up same level of defensive moves as previous. Following are the details of major issues.)






(Boom Supersonic’s XB-1 jet broke the sound barrier three times during its 13th and final test flight, lifted off February 10 from the Mojave Air & Space Port in southern California. Boom will now shift to the development of Overture supersonic passenger transport.)


三菱重工子会社[三菱重工マリタイム システムズ]は、海上自衛隊向けに同社玉野工場で建造中だった音響測定艦「ひびき」型4番艦「びんご」の進水式および命名式を2025年2月17日に行なった。「びんご」とは瀬戸内海の「備後灘」に由来する名称。これから船体、エンジン、電装システムなどの艤装工事を済ませ、2025年度内に防衛省に引き渡す。
(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Maritime Systems, a subsidiary of MHI, has held a Launching and naming ceremony for the fourth Hibiki-class ocean surveillance ship build for the Japanese Navy. The ceremony was held on February 17, 2025, at Tamano Shipyard. The ship was named Bingo, derived from a maritime district of “Bingo-nada”. After outfitting work on the hull, engine, electrical systems, is completed, the vessel will be handed over to Japan’s Navy.)


現在西太平洋で任務についている米海軍ミサイル駆逐艦が標的のドローンに向けてレーザー・ウエポン[ヘリオス (HELIOS)]no発射写真が公開された。駆逐艦「プレブル(USS Preble/ DDG-88)」に搭載されたこのレーザー・ウエポンの発射試験は、2024年9月30日までに32回行われたが、写真はそのうちの1つ。
(A U.S. Navy’s destroyer, currently deployed in the Western Pacific, was firing its laser beam at a drone target. The destroyer, USS Preble DDG-88, armed with a modern laser weapon, conducted firing test 34 times in last year. The picture above is one of the test.)


(Chinese and Russian’s military maneuvers around Japanese territorial air and sea spaces were suddenly fall since last December. Even the change of circumstance, Japan and allies are putting up same level of defensive moves as previous. Following are the details of major issues.)




(Starship Flight Test 7 was the seventh Starship test flight, was launched at January 16th, 2025 and tried another suborbital fight as the previous one. It became the second successful catch of a Super Heavy Booster(B14). The upper stage Starship (S33) hotstaged as normal and separated, continued to climb to orbit, however, then exploded.)

iSpace 月面着陸機 [HAKUTO-R ミッション2]、1月17日現在[Success 4]まで成功

日本の宇宙企業 [iSpace]、2回目の月面着陸機「レジリエンス/Resilience」を搭載した[HAKUTO-Rミッション2]が、1月15日NASAケネデイ宇宙センターからスペースXのファルコン9 (Falcon 9)で打上げられた。
(Japan’s space startup iSpace launched its second lunar lander “Resilience” as HAKURO-R mission2 program, early January 15 from NASA Kennedy Space Center by SpaceX’s Falcon 9 launch rocket.)


2024年11月NASAは2050年に就航可能な「環境に適合した先進航空機構想(AACES=Advanced Aircraft Concepts for Environmental Sustainability)」に関して、業界および研究機関に対し先進航空機の概念、キーとなる技術、などに関する意見を求めた。NASAは応募の中から5つの組織を選び、総額1億1,500万ドルの基金を支出、研究の援助とした。
(On November 2024, NASA issues Advanced Aircraft Concepts for Environmental Sustainability (AACES) 2050 initiative to aircraft industry. The agency asked industry and academia to come up with studies aircraft concepts, key technologies needed to commercial aviation by 2050. NASA choose five firms and issued a total of $ 11.5 million worth. helping further studies.)