カテゴリー: 航空と宇宙


(Military threats from Chinese, Russian Forces and North Korean are tensed up in June 2024. Japan and Allies conducted multiple large scale exercises for retaliation. Following are main issues. )



NASA電動航空機計画 /「マグニクス」のダッシュ7改造機

NASAの「Electrical Powertrain Flight Demonstration (EPFD)(電動航空機飛行実証)」プロジェクトは、ハイブリッド電動航空機の実用化を目指す計画。別途NASAでは「Integrated Aviation System Program (IASP)」(統合推進システム)で取組み中の出力MW(メガワット)級の推進システムの完成を急いでいる。EPFDは、このエンジンを使う最大180席の単通路旅客機の実証飛行試験を目指している。EPFDでマグニクス、GEの2社を選定、既存の航空機に新しい電動推進装置(EPU)を取付け2025年頃に実証試験を行い、2030~2035年の民間機に導入を考えている。
(NASA’s Electric Powertrain Flight Demonstration (EPFD) project focuses advancing the future of aviation by introducing hybrid electric flight into a reality. Under NASA’s Integrated Aviation Systems Program (IASP), EPFD is accelerating the transition of megawatt (MW)-class powertrains to narrow body airliner carrying up to 180 passengers. EPFD contracted two companies, GE Aviation and magniX, who will conduct flight test of hybrid electric propulsion systems using existing testbed aircraft. Aiming to complete at least two demonstrations around 2025, and introduce the new systems by 2030~2035 in commercial airliner. )



(Military threats from Chinese, Russian Forces and North Korean are tensed up in May 2024. Japan and Allies conducted multiple large scale exercises for retaliation. Following were main issues. However, the China’s large scale military drills around Taiwan on May 23 and 24 ware reported as a separate issue on May 30, so please refer it.)


(China on May 23 started two-days of large scale military drills involving mock strikes around Taiwan. What China said was a strong punishment for separatist acts. The military exercises, conducted in five areas around Taiwan and four spots near Taiwanese controlled islands near the Chinese mainland, came just a few days after inauguration speech by new president Lai Ching-te, who states “Taiwan will not be subordinate to China, but cooperate together for future growth”. )


天文学発達の過程で天体望遠鏡は限りなく高い場所を求めて設置されてきた。地球上で最適の場所の一つは南米チリのアタカマ砂漠(Atacama Desert)、ここのセロ・チャナントール(Cerro Chajnantor)山頂に東京大学アタカマ天文台[TAO] (Tokyo Atacama Observatory)が開設された。
(The history of astronomy or observatories are asking higher and higher location to get better views of the Universe. On Earth, one of the best location is the Atacama Desert in Chile, where the University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory (TAO) just opened its high altitude eye on the sky, atop Cerro Chajnantor.)


NASAは4月3日、「月面探査車/LTV=Lunar Terrain Vehicle」の開発企業候補として「インテユイテイブ・マシンズ」、「ルナ・アウトポスト」および「ベンチュリー・アストロラブ」の3社を選び契約したと発表した。内容は、2029年の「アルテミス・ミッション(Artemis Mission) 5」で宇宙飛行士が乗る月面車/ローバーを作ることで、最終的な契約を締結するのは1社になる。(NASA announced April 3 it picked teams led by Intuitive Machines, Lunar Outpost and Venturi Astrolab for its Lunar Terrain Vehicle (LTV) services contract. Which covers work to design and develop rovers for astronauts on Artemis mission 5 at 2029. Only one company will be awarded final contract to build the LTV and send to the Moon.



(Military threats from Chinese, Russian Forces and North Korean are tensed up in February 2024. Japan and Allies conducted multiple large scale exercises for retaliation. Following were main issues.)

「陸自ヘリ事故」 エンジン2基の同時出力低下の真相を追う





ヨーロッパ連合(EU)が支援する「現用エンジン対比で燃費を25 %改善する革新的エンジン[SWITCH]の開発」は初期設計がかなり進み、試作機の地上試験から飛行試験が視野に入る段階になってきた。
([SWITCH] consortium in an EU backed project to validate engine technologies that help to deliver a 25% fuel saving over current engines are deep into their initial design work and they eye later ground and flight test programs.)