カテゴリー: 政治


(Chinese and Russian’s military maneuvers around Japanese territorial air and sea spaces were suddenly fall since last December. Even the change of circumstance, Japan and allies are putting up same level of defensive moves as previous. Following are the details of major issues.)





(Chinese and Russian military violation inside or around Japan’s territorial air and sea spaces are increasing unprecedented ever in December 2024. Japan and allies put various scale military maneuvers, responding such militant violations. Following are the details of major issues.)

御巣鷹40年 なぜボーイングは修理ミスの理由を開示しないのか



(On top of North Korean‘s launching a new ICBM to Sea of Japan Oct. 31, Chinese and Russian military violation inside or around Japanese territorial air and water spaces are increasing unprecedented ever in November 2024. Japan and allies put various scale military maneuvers. responding such militant violations. Following are the details of major issues.)

防衛省、海自用滞空型無人哨戒機にGA-ASI製MQ-9B SeaGuadianを選定

防衛省は海上自衛隊の哨戒能力を向上させるために、ジェネラル・アトミクス社(GA-ASI =General Atomics Aeronautical systems)製の滞空型無人哨戒機MQ-9B シーガーデイアン(SeaGuardian)を選定した、と発表した(令和6年11月15日)。2028年から2038年までに23機を取得する。
(Japan’s Ministry of Defense announced, MQ-9B SeaGaudian has been selected for Maritime Self Defense Force, on November 15. The MQ-9B is remotely piloted aircraft systems made by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. (GA-AIS), it is a next generation long endurance unmanned patrol plane. Total procurement expected 23 systems by 2038.)

安倍派パージ解散だ ‼ 言い訳と弁解で自滅した自民党 一人勝ちの国民民主党、共産と距離を置いた立憲民主党



中国、ロシアが進める極超音速滑空体(HGV=Hypersonic Glide Vehicle)の配備に対し、日米両国は共同で次世代型ミサイル防衛システムGPIの開発協定を正式に締結した(May 15, 2024)。米国防総省ミサイル防衛局 (MDA=Missile Defense Agency)は2024年9月25日、GPIはノースロップ・グラマン (NG=Northrop Grumman)社案を採用すると決定した。これを受け防衛省はNG社と共同開発を進めると発表した。
(Japan and the United States signed an agreement on May 15 to jointly develop Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI), next-generation missile defense system defeating hypersonic missiles that are deployed by China and Russia. The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) announced on September 25, 2024, will proceed with Northrop Grumman to continue development of the GPI, with international partner the Japan Ministry of Defense (MoD).


(Chinese and Russian military violation inside or around Japanese air space and territorial waters are increasing unprecedented ever in October, 2024. Following are the details of major issues. Responding the militant violations, Japan and allies put various scale military maneuvers.)


(The Silicon Valley start-up a defense tech firm “Anduril Industries” unveiled a new line of autonomous cruise missiles “Barracuda”, on September 11. Anduril says they will be able to be easily upgraded and produced in large numbers to increase the Allied military’s stockpile.)