1. 中国軍機57機が台湾海峡で活動、一部が中間線超え
2. 中国軍無人偵察機、数回宮古海峡を通過・太平洋を往復
3. 中国海軍空母「遼寧」艦隊、12月中旬-1月初旬の間太平洋上で大規模演習
4. 中国海軍情報収集艦、しばしば沖縄列島近辺を航行
5. アラビア海で仏空母と共同訓練
6. 2022年第3四半期までの緊急発進、対中国機が75 %
7. 2022年12月、H-6爆撃機、太平洋に進出、グアム攻撃の演習
8. 陸自、第5回に続き第6回大規模実働対抗演習を実施
9. 海自、令和4年度インド太平洋中東派遣 (IMED23)を実施
10. 海自、数回にわたり日米共同各種訓練を実施
(Military threats from Russia & Chinese Forces to Japan and Taiwan, are increases ever. Countermeasures proceeded by Japan and Allies. Following 10 were major issues in January.
1. Chinese increased militant pressure to Taiwan, including 57 fighter flew into Taiwan’s Air Defense Zone, some of them across the midline of Taiwan straits.
2. Chinese unmanned reconnaissance plane flew to Pacific several times thru Miyako strait.
3. Chinese carrier strike group conducted a month long military drill in western-Pacific.
4. Chinese Dongdiao-class Electronic Reconnaissance Ship sails around Okinawan islands.
5. Japanese Naval vessels conducts military drill together with French carrier in Arabian Sea.
6. Number of Scramble flight in first nine months of 2022 fiscal year, exceeded 600, of which 75 % for Chinese war planes.
7. Dec. 19, 2022, China’s H-6 bombers with cruise missiles flew, to be simulated mission for striking Guam.
8. Japanese Army plan a large scale war game, following the previous month again.
9. Japanese Naval vessels sail to “IMED23 : Indo-Pacific and Middle East Deployment 23” operation, started mid-January extend to May.
10. Japanese Navy conducted war game with U.S. Navy several times in south-east Pacific
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