1. 北朝鮮、弾道/巡航ミサイルを連続発射、対抗して日本海で日米海空軍が演習
2. 中国海軍艦艇2隻宮古海峡を通過、太平洋へ
3. 中国海軍艦艇1隻が奄美大島・横当島間を通過太平洋に進出、その後与那国島・台湾間を通過、東シナ海へ
4. 陸自特殊作戦群、米国で米陸軍特殊作戦コマンドと演習
5. 海自・空自の電子戦情報収集機、米豪空軍と九州周辺海空域で共同訓練
6. 海自、米ワシントン州で電磁機動戦演習
7. 海自フリゲート「みくま・FFM-4」および潜水艦「はくげい」が完成、引渡し
8. 海自、インド洋で多国間訓練「ラ・べルーズ23」に参加
9. 海自、グアム周辺で多国間訓練「シー・ドラゴン23」に参加
10. 海自、南シナ海で米海軍と共同訓練、続いて米海軍は航行の自由作戦を実施
11. ロシア海軍、日本海で巡航ミサイル射撃演習
12. 米空母、釜山入港、続いて東シナ海で日米韓海軍が合同演習
(Military threats from China, Russia and North Korea are tensed up in March. Japan and Allies conducted multiple large scale exercises as retaliation. Following twelves were major issues.
1. North Korea successive launches variety of Ballistic and Cruise missiles into Sea of Japan. The allied forces conducted military drills in Japan Sea.
2. Two Chinese naval vessels sail through Miyako strait to Pacific.
3. One Chinese naval ship sail through Amami-strait to Pacific, and return back to East China sea via Yonakunijima-Taiwan strait.
4. Japan’s Army Special Operations Command conducts military exercises with counter part of US Army’s ARSOC(A) in unspecified location in USA.
5. Japan’s Air Force and Naval Reconnaissance aircraft conducts joint exercise with USAF and Australian reconnaissance aircraft over the western Japan’s airspace.
6. JMSDF conducted Dispatched Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare Training in US Naval Air Station of Whidbey Island, Washington.
7. JMSDF announced the commissioning of Hakugei, the second Taigei-class submarine, and Mikuma, the fourth Mogami-class frigate.
8. JMSDF participated in multinational exercise La Perouse 23 in east of Sri Lanka.
9. JMSDF join multinational war game Sea Dragon 2023 in and around Guam.
10. JMSDF conducted a joint exercise with US Navy in south China Sea, the USN vessel go on conducting Freedom of Navigation Operation in the area
11. Russian Navy conducted cruise missile launching trial in Sea of Japan.
12. USS Nimitz(CVN-68) and the carrier strike group 11, sailed to Pusan, and go-on tri-national maritime exercise in East China Sea with Korean and Japanese.)
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