1. ナンシー・ペロシ米下院議長の台湾訪問に反発中国は弾道ミサイル演習を実施、うち5発が日本の排他的経済水域(EEZ)内に着弾
2. 8月8日-14日の間、日米豪韓加の5ヶ国海軍はハワイ周辺海域でミサイル警戒演習「パシフィック・ドラゴン22」を実施
3. 8月9日、沖縄周辺の海空域で航空自衛隊と米空軍は共同戦術訓練を実施
4. 8月1日-5日の間、中国海軍艦艇は尖閣諸島を含む我が国周辺海域で活発な活動
5. 8月20日及び21日、ロシア海軍艦隊がオホーツク海から日本海に向け航行
6. 8月21日-29日の間、グアム島周辺で日米豪韓加5ヶ国海軍と陸自水陸機動団及び米海兵隊・第3機動展開部隊が共同演習「パシフィック・バンガード22」を実施
(The military maneuvers by Russo-Chinese Forces around Japan’s Islands are active as previous month. Following six were noteworthy in August.
1. China kicks off large-scale war games in August 4th through 7th, intended to punish Taiwan for hosting US house speaker Nancy Pelosi. The exercises included ballistic missile live-fire drill into the sea off Taiwan, five of them hit Japanese EEZ.
2. Naval Forces from Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, U.S.A, and US Missile Defense Agency conducted Pacific Dragon 2022, air and missile defense exercise, from August 5-15, in Hawaii off the coast of Kauai.
3. Japan and US Air Forces, together with number of aircraft, played military drill in airspace near Okinawan Islands.
4. Chinese Naval vessels cruise around Japan’s Islands including Senkaku islands in Aug. 1st through 5th.
5. Large number of Russian Naval vessels sailed from sea of Okhotsk to sea of Japan.
6. Naval Forces of Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, and U.S.A. together with Japan’s Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade and US III Marine Expeditionary Force, sailed together to conduct war game, Pacific Vanguard 22, in Philippine sea.)
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