1. 北朝鮮「火星17」ICBM発射、日本EEZ内に着弾、米本土が射程内の可能性
2. イージス艦「まや」および「はぐろ」、「SM-3 Block IIA」ミサイル発射試験に成功
3. 日米共同統合演習「キーン・ソード23(Keen Sword 23)」が終了
4. 中国海軍艦艇、対馬海峡を通過日本海へ航行
5. 中国およびロシアの戦略爆撃機編隊が日本海・東シナ海経由太平洋に進出し往復
6. 令和4年度国際観艦式実施と多国間共同演習(マラバール/Malabar 2022を含む)の実施
7. 中国海警局所属の76 mm砲搭載艦、尖閣諸島領海に侵入
8. 米国防総省「中国の軍事・安全保障に関する報告」発表、2027年までに台湾占領か
9. 日本、米政府とトマホーク巡航ミサイル500発の購入を協議
(Military threats of Russo-Chinese Forces and North Korea against Japan are active. Following nine were main issues in November.
1. North Korea launched Hwasong-17 ICBM on Nov. 18 to Japan’s EEZ off the coast of Hokkaido,
2. Japan’s latest guided missile destroyer Maya and Haguro launched successfully the next generation ICBM interceptor “SM-3 Block IIA”
3. Japan, Australia, Canada, and U.S. Naval Forces conducted military exercise Keen Sword 23(KS23) in Japan’s surrounding territorial and international waters.
4. Chinese naval vessels pass through Tsushima strait to Sea of Japan.
5. Chinese and Russian strategic bombers flew surroundings Japanese Islands to Pacific water, go back and forth.
6. International Fleet Week 2022, hosted by JMSDF, Oct 29 thru Nov 13, finished, following with multinational naval exercise Malabar 2022.
7. A Chinese Coast Guard vessel arming 5 inch gun, penetrates Japan’s territorial water off Senkaku islands.
8. The 2022 China Military Power Report published Nov 22 by U.S. DoD, says; could field 1,500 nuclear warheads by 2035, intensified military pressure against Taiwan and could seize by 2027.
9. Japan is to buy 500 U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles, Japan’s Kishida and U.S. Biden discussed on Nov. 13 on Cambodia Meeting.)
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