1. ロシア海軍、北海道周辺で活発な動き:
TokyoExpress 2022-03-22 “ロシア、北海道周辺で軍事力を強化、北海道侵攻を狙う” で記載済み。2. グアム島北方海空域で日米両軍が実戦演習:
海自、陸自、米海軍、米海兵隊はグアム北方の洋上にある射爆場で実戦を模した島嶼奪回の演習を実施した。3. 南シナ海で日米豪海軍艦艇の共同訓練
南シナ海で航行の自由を守る作戦の一環として3カ国海軍が共同訓練を実施した。4. 米空母、黄海で北朝鮮ICBM発射に警告する演習を実施
北朝鮮によるICBMの発射実験が著増することに警告する意味で、米空母は黄海に進出、示威演習を行なった。(The military maneuvers by Russo-Chinese forces around Japan are increasing ever. Against the threat, Japan and allies move to take a farther counter measure. Following four were noteworthy in March ;-
1. Russian navy conducted active maneuvers around Hokkaido as described in “TokyoExpreess 2022-03-22”.
2. Japan’s Navy and Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade together with U.S. Navy and U.S .31st Marine Expeditionary Unit conclude Bilateral Advanced Warfare Training (BAWT) at the Farallon de Medinilla range in the U.S. Marianas Islands.
3. U.S. Navy guided missile destroyer USS Momsen joined JMSDF destroyer Yudachi and Australian HMAS Arunta in the South China Sea, conducted
multinational training, to promote “navigation freedom in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific”.
4. North Korea has increased the pace and scale of its ICBM launches since last fall. The U.S. strongly condemns them and conducted a carrier based air demonstration in international airspace in the Yellow Sea.)