NASAが目指す “航空機史上最も重要な航空機の組立て” がカリフォルニア州で始まった。[X-59 QueSST]、すなわち”静かな超音速機(Quiet SuperSonic technology)“と呼ばれる機体で、パイロットが操縦し、超音速機が出す不快な”ソニック・ブーム(sonic boom)”を発生しない。[X-59 QueSST]は、これまでに多くの革新的航空機を送り出してきた「スカンク・ワークス(Skunk Works)」で組立てられている。(Some of the most important aircraft in aviation history have been started final assembly in California. NASA’s X-59 QueSST (short for Quiet SuperSonic Technology) is an experimental piloted aircraft designed to fly faster than sound without producing the annoying sonic booms of supersonic aircraft. The craft to take shape at Skunk Works, a Lockheed Martin division that for the past 76 years has used a unique approach to design and manufacturing that has produced the nation’s most advanced airplanes.)