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① 岸防衛相「F-15J」能力向上型改修の推進を言明
② 米国主催大規模広域訓練に参加
③ 中国海軍、ミサイル駆逐艦/イージス艦の増強、著しい
④ 陸自「中SAM」、空自「PAC2」共同実弾射撃訓練を実施
⑤ 日米豪印4か国海軍共同訓練を実施
(The military threats by Russo-Chinese Forces around Japan and Taiwan were reported as active. Following eight were noteworthy;-
1) F-15J upgrade program proceeds as planned adding missile-carrier capability, Defense Minister N. Kishi. Said.
2) Japan’s Self Defense Forces join the Large-Scale-Global Exercise 2021 (LSGE 2021) with U.S., UK, and Australian Forces, held on Western Pacific.
3) Chinese Navy increases rapidly the number of its Missile Destroyer, far exceeding Japan and allied forces.)

JAXAの火星衛星探査計画(MMX) 、フォボスの砂を採取、2029年に地球に帰還

JAXA(宇宙航空技術開発機構)が進めている「火星衛星探査計画/MMX (Martian Moons eXploration)」は極めて独創的!と評価が高い。「MMX」ミッションは火星とその衛星「フォボス(Phobos)」と「ダイノス(Deinos)」に接近・探査するのが目的だが、その際「フォボス」に接近してローバー(復路モジュール)とランダー(探査モジュール)を接合して着地、土壌サンプルを採取、カプセルに収納し2029年に地球に持ち帰る予定である。(Japan’s JAXA is accelerating its Martian Moons Exploration (MMX) mission, which is highly assessed its ingenuity by other nations. In addition to its main mission for visiting Mars’ moon Phobos and Deinos, the spacecraft will deploy orbitor/lander to Phobos. The MMX’s orbiter will also have a sample return capsule, bringing a sample of Phobos back to Earth by 2029.)


(The FAA said late on July 12 Monday that several undelivered 787 have a new manufacturing quality issue around its nose section, that will be fixed before the plane delivered by Boeing.)


テキサス州ボカチカ・ビーチの発射場に世界最大のロケットが姿を現した。超大型クレーンでスターシップ宇宙機を吊り上げて、29台のラプター・エンジン付きスーパーヘビー・ブースターの先端に仮取付けされた。これで高さ120 m に達する世界最大のロケットが出現した。(The tallest rocket ever build is now standing on the launch pad in SpaceX’s Space Facility, Boca Chica, Texas. On August 6th morning, using a crane to attach the Starship to the Super Heavy Booster, with 29 newly installed Raptor engines. The two together stand roughly 120 meters high.)


テキストロン社(Textron Inc.)の傘下企業、ベル・テキストロンは、8月2日に軍用の次世代型革新技術航空機「高速垂直離着陸機(HSVTOL)」の構想を発表した。これは、ヘリコプターと同じホバリング性能を持ち、同時に戦闘機並みの速度、航続距離、生残性を備える。
(Bell Textron Inc announced, August 2nd, the unveiling of design concepts for new aircraft systems for military use, which would use Bell’s High-Speed Vertical Take-off and Landing (HSVTOL) technology. The technology blended in the hover capability of a helicopter, with the speed, range and survivability of a fighter.)






(The military threats by Russo-Chinese Forces around Japan and Taiwan were reported as active. Following eight were noteworthy;-1) UK Aircraft Carrier Strike Force conduct maritime exercise with Japanese at gulf of Aden. 2)Russian Pacific Fleet returned home port after exercise nearby Hawaii. 3) Japan’s 1st Airborne Brigade troop conducts direct flight to Gum and paratroop exercise. 4) Japan’s Maritime Force join the Pacific Vanguard 21 multi-national exercise at Eastern Sea of Australia. 5) Japan’s Navy participate the multi-national Exercise Talisman Saber 21 around Eastern Sea of Australia. 6 ) Helicopter Carrier “Kaga DDH 184” and other vessels will visit Indo-Pacific Nations in August. And others.)

CFM、次世代機向けに革新的な “オープン・ファン”エンジン構想を発表

CFM Internationalの折半出資企業「GEエビエーション(GE Aviation)」とフランスの「サフラン(Safran)」は、野心的な技術を投入し燃費を大幅に改善した「オープン・ファン」(ダクトなし)の次世代型エンジンを開発し2035年中頃に完成、就航させたいと発表した。

(CFM International joint venture partners GE Aviation and Safran of France have launched an aggressive technology development program to pave the way for a new generation of fuel efficient unducted /open fan engines to enter service around mid-2030s.)



航空輸送の大手「ユナイテッド航空(UAL)」は、6月3日にデンバーのベンチャー企業「ブーム・スーパーソニック(Boom Supersonic)」が開発する超音速旅客機「オーバーチェア(Overture) 」を15機購入する契約を結んだと発表した。2029年から運航開始の予定。実現すれば、英仏共同開発の超音速旅客機「コンコルド」が2003年に退役して以来、25年振りの超音速旅客機の復活となる。(United will purchase 15 of Boom’s “Overture” airliners, once Overture meets United’s demanding safety, operating and sustainability requirements, with an option for 35 more. The aircraft expected to enter airline service in 2029, and will fly sustainable aviation fuel(SAF). Overture is the first airliner in a new era of enduring supersonic flight, since the end of Concorde’s service in 2003.)